Recomposing the City is thrilled to welcome a new PhD student, Elen Flügge, who will join us in 2015-16 through the support of a Northern Bridge Doctoral Training studentship.
Elen is a writer and sound artist who is currently based in Berlin. She is interested in individualised audition and silent sound art, site- and context-specific works, critical writing on audio-media culture, and translating theory into audio-visual and spatial installations. Her undergraduate work at Bard College, NY, explored music and language perception. Her MA in Sound Studies at Universität der Künste, Berlin, focused on auditory culture and sonic arts. Elena's doctoral research will focus on listening practices for urban space.
The Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership is an AHRC-funded programme that brings together three universities--Queen's University Belfast, Durham University, and Newcastle University--in the context of postgraduate studies and research.
Congratulations to Elen for her success in receiving an NBDTP doctoral award.
You can find more on Elen's work at Personal Sound Space.
From Elen Flugge's Personal Sound Space (the Exhibition), 2011.