Illustration by Ryan O'Reilly. From S. Lappin, G. Ouzounian and R. O'Grady, The Sound-Considered City: An Advice Note (2018).
FRIDAY 2 MARCH 2018, 9.30 AM - 5.30 PM
All events will take place in the Denis Arnold Hall, Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1DB
The Study Day will be devoted to exploring a wide variety of issues and practices related to urban sound: city symphonies, acoustic architectures, the politics of sound and noise mapping, intersections between sound art and urban design, sound and pedagogy in architecture and urban studies, and the challenges of acoustic planning, among other pertinent issues. The event will bring together internationally leading as well as emerging practitioners and theorists who work across such disciplines as music, architecture, film, and urban studies. The aim of the Study Day is not only to share recent work but to ignite conversations across the urban humanities--and to probe the possibilities of urban practice as it evolves in connection to sound and music.
The Study Day is free of charge. All are welcome, but places will be limited. Please register at the link below.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/acoustic-cities-study-day-tickets-42691602733
9.30 Coffee & Registration
10.00 Welcome remarks. Prof Gascia Ouzounian (Music/Oxford) and Professor Laura Marcus (English/Oxford)
10.15-11.30 Session 1: The New City Symphony
Chair: Professor Laura Marcus, ‘Introducing the Cinematic City Symphony’
Prof Ed Hughes (Music/Sussex) and Lizzy Thynne (Media and Film/Sussex), ‘Brighton: Symphony of a City’
-- Coffee break --
11.45-1.00 PM. Session 2. Recomposing the City: Sound Mapping and Acoustic Planning
Chair: Ruth Bernatek (Bartlett School of Architecture)
Prof Gascia Ouzounian (Music/Oxford), ‘The Acoustic City: The Politics of Mapping Sound and Noise’
Dr Lola San Martin (Music/Oxford), ‘Sonic Borders and the Aural Mapping of Spain’
Conor McCafferty (Sonic Arts/Queen's University Belfast), ‘Sound Mapping and Urban Pedagogy’
Dr Sarah Lappin (Architecture/Queen's University Belfast), ‘The Sound-Considered City: An Advice Note’
-- Lunch --
2.00-3.00 PM Session 3. Urban Rhythms: Three Cities (Paris, Turin, London)
Chair: Professor Laura Marcus
Dr Lola San Martin (Music/Oxford), ‘Introduction to Urban Rhythms: Avant-Gardes in Paris’
Dr Harriet Boyd-Bennett (Music/Nottingham), 'Work and Song in an Italian City'
Christabel Stirling (Music/Oxford), 'Voice Memos from the Dancefloor'
3.15-4.15 PM Session 4. Sound Artists in Conversation
Chair: Prof Jason Stanyek
Dr Katarzyna Krakowiak, sound artist & architecture researcher (Poland)
Dr Matilde Meireles, sound artist & soundscape researcher (Portugal)
Professor Keith Obadike, sound artist & researcher in new media (USA)
4.30-5.30 Session 5. Theatrum Mundi: Unresolved Acoustics
Roundtable discussion lead by Professor Richard Sennett and Dr John Bingham-Hall
-- Wine Reception --
Organisers: Recomposing the City | Urban Rhythms Network | Theatrum Mundi
Sponsors: AHRC | Faculty of Music, University of Oxford | TORCH Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
This Study Day forms part of the AHRC-funded project Hearing Trouble: Sound Art in Post-Conflict Cities. It is being offered in conjunction with a new course on Acoustic Cities offered by the Faculty of Music, University of Oxford.
2015 - Postgraduate symposium
Postgraduate student Symposium: Soundspace
18 May 2015
The graduate School | queen's university belfast
9.30 Welcome remarks by Dr Sarah Lappin and Dr Gascia Ouzounian, Co-directors, Recomposing the City
9.40 Conor McCafferty, 'Mapping Sound Maps: Precedents, Practices, Future Paths'
10.00 Andrew Harrison, 'Expressing a Belfast State of Mind: Urban Imaginaries and Sound Art'
10.20 Rita Farrell, 'In-Between Spaces: The study of traditional Irish soundscapes in Belfast'
10.40 Isobel Anderson, 'Soundmapping Beyond the Grid: Alternative Cartographies of Sound'
11.00 Elen Flügge, 'Personal Sound to Public Practice'
-- Coffee break --
11.40 Portia Ellis-Woods, '"A map in sound": Developing features programming, as demonstrated in This is Northern Ireland.'
12.00 Antonis Stylianou, 'Public Sound Installations'
12.20 Aonghus McEvoy, 'Voices within the Urban Soundspace'
12.40 Diogo Alvim and Matilde Meireles, 'Trigger Place: A game of sound and architecture'
ABSTRACTS AND BIOGRAPHIES. Click here to download.
2014 - International symposium
Poster for 2014 International Symposium by Helena Hamilton.
2014 International Symposium
COLIN RIPLEY, ‘Resonances' (Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University, Toronto)
CHRISTABEL STIRLING, ‘Tracing the Social Potential of Sound Installation Art, from Bloomsbury to Bow Bells’ (Oxford University)
MERIJN ROYAARDS, ‘The Acid House’ (Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London)
GASCIA OUZOUNIAN and SARAH LAPPIN, ‘Soundspace: A Manifesto’ (Queen's University Belfast)
MICHAEL CORR and CONOR McCAFFERTY, ‘Engaging with Architecture through Sound: Perspectives of an Architecture Centre’ (PLACE Architecture and Built Environment Centre, Belfast)
MARK HACKETT, DECLAN HILL, KEN STERRETT, ‘New Opportunities for Belfast’ (Forum for Alternative Belfast, CIC)
ANAMARIJA BATISTA, ‘Disobeying Sounds Around Us’ (Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien)
SVEN ANDERSON, ‘From noise control to urban acoustic design: Exploring civic responses to an activated urban soundscape’ (Manual for Acoustic Planning project, Dublin City Council)
KEYNOTE: PETER CUSACK, ‘Berlin Sonic Places’ (CRiSAP, University of Arts London)